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怡樂軒-改善疫下家庭氣氛有方法: 如何處理孩子的負面情緒

2022-07-27 00:00:00



怡樂軒-改善疫下家庭氣氛有方法: 如何處理孩子的負面情緒
Under the influence of the pandemic, young children may not understand the reasons for the implementation of prevention and control measures. They will be a bit emotional about not being able to go out, not going to school, and conducting regular citywide NAT. Many parents are worried that the pandemic will make children accumulate negative emotions that negatively affect them. Today, the tips from Ieng Lok Center on how to improve family relationships during the pandemic will bring you how to deal with children's negative emotions, to find out the reasons behind these emotions, so that children have space to express their inner emotions and learn how to take good care of themselves and others under the pandemic.