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怡樂軒-改善疫下家庭氣氛有方法: 每天三分鐘,只有你和我

2022-07-26 00:00:00


怡樂軒-改善疫下家庭氣氛有方法: 每天三分鐘,只有你和我。


When the pandemic broke out, authorities advised residents to remain at home which has become a normal pandemic prevention measure. For some families, although parents and children spend more time together during the prevention and control measures, they seem to have their own busy schedules. Parents work from home, and since family members are at home all day, communication between parents and children is limited and reduced. We will show you how Ieng Lok Center can improve the family atmosphere during the pandemic: three minutes a day, let's see how to make good use of these three minutes. Parent-child communication should focus more on “quality”, even just a short period a day can also have a good effect.
