2020-08-18 00:00:00
今日小編向大家推薦一部真人秀《Love on the spectrum》(中文:光譜上發現愛),節目是以泛自閉症的人士為主角,探討他們在現實生活中約會、求愛的過程,以及他們對愛情的看法,在節目中,製作團隊訪問了數位有自閉症光譜的人士,並嘗試為他們安排約會,近年來,電視熒幕前出現不少關於殘疾人士和自閉症人士為題材的劇集和電影,漸漸也引起社會對這類人士的關注,其實自閉症人士和普通人一樣,從他們的交談之間,會發現他們對於愛的看法、約會的談話內容,都跟一般人分別不大,甚至可以從他們單純直白的想法和感受裡,讓自己重新審視愛情的定義。所以希望社會大眾能更多的包容和容納他們,讓他們不再成為異類。
*自閉症光譜(Autism Spectrum Disorder,簡稱 ASD),是泛指自閉症、亞斯伯格症、兒童時期崩解症、未分類的廣泛性發展障礙等疾病,患者天生缺少了社交和情感的互動能力,如不能以目光交流、面部無法同自己心情相符的表情等,而且語言發展遲緩,通常會有重複某動作的癖好。
《Love on the spectrum》- finding love can be hard for anyone. For young adults on the autism spectrum, exploring the unpredictable world of dating is even more complicated. The bar for autism depictions is still low, but the series ambles over it by rightfully allowing its autistic subjects to speak for and at least somewhat guide their stories themselves so that viewers can get to know them as people with individual thoughts, desires, and needs. This might sound basic to the uninitiated, but it’s still painfully uncommon for autistic people to see any hints of our actual realities on screen.
*Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents often notice signs during the first three years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism experience worsening in their communication and social skills after reaching developmental milestones at a normal pace.