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葡角菜式 "Corner of Portuguese Cuisine" training resturant

2020-08-15 00:00:00





電話:2823 4488

Our Pou Lei Centre,the "Corner of Portuguese Cuisine" training resturant will soon be in operation. Few days ago, our dish tasting team has visited the restuarant and is here to share a first-hand information about the menu and environment for you. Every dishes look as good as it tastes, we look forward to trying more dishes after opening. Recently, many people have been wondering when will it open to public and its exact location, the opening time of the restaurant is tenetatively set in October! Stay tuned on our Facebook for more updates!

Pou Lei Centre,the "Corner of Portuguese Cuisine" training restaurant

Address : Rua Sul do Patane e Rua do General Ivens Ferraz, 363, 381, 403 Edf. Lei Seng Kok, r/c, Macau 

Telephone : 28234488