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2022-07-29 00:00:00


本會朗程軒院舍自啟動閉環管理至今已有一個月,院舍內除了平日居住的院友,如今加上同工的入住,為了更好地確保同工職員的生活質量,院舍內除了提供穩定WiFi 服務以外,我們還收到了來自CTM提供的一批數據流量電話卡予同工,支持他們在院舍內也能隨時隨地和親朋戚友聯繫,感謝CTM的善舉,在疫情底下依然支持本會,伸出援手,感謝CTM的捐贈!
It has been one month since the launch of closed-loop management at the Long Cheng Centre. In addition to the service users who live in the residential center on weekdays, our staff members are now staying too. To better ensure the quality of life of the staff, the residential home provided stable WiFi services, we additionally received a batch of data flow phone cards from CTM to our staff members, to support them in contacting their relatives and friends anytime in the residential home. Thanks for CTM's kindness and support for our organization despite the pandemic. Thanks for CTM's donation!