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會慶回顧-怡樂軒 17th Anniversary celebration review- Yee Lok Centre

2020-09-07 00:00:00


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響應政府的新冠疫情防疫措施 - 避免人流聚集。澳門扶康會17週年會慶一改以往的形式,分別於各中心舉辦,而怡樂軒因人數關係更分開了三日的流水宴形式進行。雖然因為隔離讓我們無法歡聚一堂、一起同時分享喜悅,但也正正因為於所屬中心舉辦,讓會員與理事層及職員更近距離接觸,增添了一份額外的親切感。會員亦反映是次的抽獎禮物豐富,幸運大抽獎環節更人人有份,讓會員們滿載而歸。

In response to the implementation of various preventive measures from the government, our 17th-anniversary celebration of the Fuhong Society of Macau was held separately in various centers. The Yee Lok Centre celebrated the event in three days. Although the gathering was restricted, it was precisely celebrated, which allowed service users to get closer to the staff members, adding an extra sense of intimacy. Service users reported that the lucky draw was rich in gifts, and was even more rewarding for everyone. 


