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「拾․月」系列禮品 "October.Full Moon" series of gifts

2020-09-04 00:00:00






A款:玉輪 Mop$39.00
豬豬燈籠(14x14cm) x1、可愛手帳本套裝 x1、立體兔子泡泡貼 x1、樂天熊仔餅 x1、旺旺QQ軟糖 x1、動物環保袋 x1。(袋子尺寸:27x33x11cm)
B款:玉盤 Mop$29.00
卡通小夜燈(14x8x11.5cm) x1、兒童餐具x1、動物中性筆 x1、 四洲紫菜蝦餅(36g)x1、Q版提子汁(125ml)x1、動物束口袋x1。(袋子尺寸:25x32 cm)
C款:玉兔 Mop$30.00
以上禮品買滿一百五十元或以上可享有免費送貨服務。上述禮品所得收入將撥作學員之津貼。請支持殘疾人士,希望得到大家踴躍訂購同時介紹給身邊的朋友,本中心非常感激!有關禮品的查詢或訂購,可致電2840 3988與蔣小姐或惠小姐聯絡,亦可親臨位於黑沙環馬場北大馬路寶利閣175-181號地下A「澳門扶康會寶利中心」購買,亦可於wechat / whatsapp 6655 6398中作線上訂購。數量有限,售完即止,欲購從速。有關產品更多資訊,請瀏覽本中心網頁: http://fuhong.org.mo/pou_lei/index/index.html
In corresponding to the Mid-Autumn Festival, Fuhong Society of Macau Pou Lei Centre is taking this opportunity to launch the "October.Full Moon" series giftsets, bringing out a variety style of hand-made lanterns and gifts to symbolize the family reunion during the Mid-Autumn Festival. All the products proceed will be allocated as a subsidy for people with intellectual disabilities.
"October.Full Moon" series of gifts included 3 series:
A: New Moon
B: Full Moon
C: Rabbit
A: New Moon MOP39.00
Piggy Lantern (14X14cm) x1、Schedule book set x1、3-dimensional Rabbit stickers x1、Biscuit x1、Candy x1、Recycling Bag (27x33x11cm).
B: Full Moon MOP29.00
Cartoon lantern (14x8x11.5cm) x1、Tableware for kids x1、Pen x1、Snacks (36g)x1、Mini Grape Juice (125ml)x1、Drawstring bag (25x32 cm).
C: Rabbit MOP30.00
Handmade moon lantern (Size: 10cm)
Free delivery service for purchases of MOP150 or above. All products proceed will be used as a subsidy for people with disabilities. Let us support people with disabilities and develop an inclusive environment together! For any inquiries, please contact Ms. Cheong and Ms. Wai on 28403988, or visit our Pou Lei Centre, Avenida Norte do Hipódromo, n˚s. 175-181, Edf. Pou Lei Kok, R/C-A, Macau, or order online via WeChat / WhatsApp on 66556398. Available while stock lasts. For more information, please visit our website:
Thank you for your generosity.