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《中秋月餅慈善義賣》"Mid-Autumn Mooncake Charity Sale"

2020-09-04 00:00:00






原文 : 蘇軾《水調歌頭 · 中秋》-
在今年闔家團圓的中秋佳節,大家在品嚐老牌餅家本土製作溫度的同時,亦能感受殘疾人士的誠意工作與才能 --- 一切源於本會今年與本澳老牌餅家 - 馬鴻記餅家合作,推出帶有本會特色慈善之花 ---「彩虹花」圖案的雙黃白蓮蓉月餅(限量版),可獨立選擇或配上兩款套裝供大家作慈善訂購 ---「福樂彩虹」套裝及「花好月圓」套裝。
「福樂彩虹」套裝(MOP200) :
「彩虹花」雙黃白蓮蓉月餅限量版 + 福樂木質環保餐具套裝 各一
「花好月圓」套裝(MOP170) :
「彩虹花」雙黃白蓮蓉月餅限量版 + 花好月圓陶瓷吊飾 各一
歡迎致電 28220330 與楊小姐或黃小姐訂購查詢,亦可點入以下連結選購,感謝大家的支持!福有悠歸!
"Mid-Autumn Mooncake Charity Sale"
“The round moon cakes are symbols of the great family reunion just like the round.”
In the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, let's try something different! Our association cooperated with Ma Hong Kei Pastelaria, launched the "White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncake" with the design of our charity brand logo,  "Rainbow Flower" (Limited Edition). Our service users had expressed their biggest effort and sincerity in the production process. You can order the mooncake alone or it also comes into two types of combination charity set --- "Fortune Rainbow" Set and "Full Moon" Set.
(A Big Thanks to Ma Hong Kei Pastelaria for their support, each box of mooncakes that were sold, MOP50 will be donated to our association for service development purposes for the disabled)
"Rainbow Flower" White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncake (Limited Edition) Single Selection (MOP150)
"Fortune Rainbow" set (MOP200):
"Rainbow Flower" White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncake (Limited Edition) + Wooden Eco-friendly Tableware Set
"Full Moon" Set (MOP170)
"Rainbow Flower" White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncake (Limited Edition) + Full Moon Ceramic pendant
The limited edition of "Rainbow Flower" White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncakes is locally produced by Ma Hong Kei Pastelaria, and the disabled will assist in packaging, boxing, and delivery. The charity set contains cultural and creative products of people with disabilities, which are also made and packaged by them to express their thankfulness and blessings to everyone and to fully demonstrate the talents and abilities of people with disabilities.
For the past 17 years, the Fuhong Society of Macau has been committed to providing diversified services for the disabled in Macau. Your affirmation represented the encouragement to our services and the disabled. During this epidemic, social networks are our biggest platform for charity sales, in order to continue our greatest support to the disabled under restriction. Your little effort can contribute to the services for people with disabilities. Let us emerge our virtue of kindness and create an inclusive society together!
Please contact Ms. Yang or Ms. Wong on 28220330 for ordering and inquiries. You can also click on the link below to purchase. Thank you for your support!
We wish you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future!