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澳門大學噴塗層 Disinfection service for University of Macau

2020-09-02 00:00:00

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早前,澳公子有限公司(Macau Gentlemen Limited)曾為澳門扶康會轄下各中心、辦公室及復康巴義務噴灑殺菌塗層,合共噴灑了接近90,000平方尺地方。現共同合作訓練本會合適的殘疾人士協助進行噴灑塗層的工作,讓他們能夠繼續以自身努力回饋社會,並發展殘疾人士工作的新方向。澳公子有限公司已於8月29日以津貼形式,讓本會3名已接受培訓的殘疾人士第一次出隊,在澳門大學所有樓層電梯進行GERMAGIC™長效殺菌塗層的噴灑工作,為澳門大學全體師生及工作人員提供多一層的保護。

這款新型多層次殺菌塗層(GERMAGIC™ 百里香長效殺菌塗層)是由香港科技大學(科大)研究團隊研發,能有效殺滅99.9%的麻疹、腮腺炎、風疹等高傳染性病毒及貓杯狀病毒,此技術於2019年在澳洲進行第三方測試,證實能有效滅活99.99%以上的貓杯狀病毒。貓杯狀病毒(FCV, Feline calicivirus)是一種無包膜病毒,被公認為最難殺滅的病毒之一。根據美國環境保護署(EPA) 2016年的指引,能有效殺滅貓杯狀病毒,等同有效殺滅冠狀病毒。因為後者屬於包膜病毒,在抗藥性上低於無包膜病毒。GERMAGIC™ 長效殺菌塗層已被第三方測試為有效殺菌和安全的消毒劑,證實安全無毒,無酒精,不刺激皮膚。同時是榮獲香港綠色標誌的產品,殺菌期最長可維持90天。

噴灑GERMAGIC™長效殺菌塗層的部分收益將捐贈予澳門扶康會,以作發展殘疾人士就業及職業培訓服務用途,未來澳門扶康會與澳公子有限公司將會持續合作,為更多殘疾人士提供工作機會,提升自我價值。非常感謝澳公子有限公司對本會殘疾人士的關懷,並期望今後能有更多合作機會,對上述服務有興趣的單位及公司,歡迎致電2822 0330與卓小姐或梁小姐聯絡,與本會共同攜手進行抗疫防疫工作,支持殘疾人士多元化服務,創造友善共融社會。

Earlier, Macau Gentlemen Limited volunteered to apply the antimicrobial coating for our Pou Choi Centre, office, and accessible bus, in a total of 90,000 square feet. We are now working together to train our service users to help with the spraying work so that they can continue to contribute to society with their own efforts and develop a new career direction. On August 29th, Macau Gentlemen Limited allowed three of our trained service users to apply the GERMAGIC™ long-term disinfection service for the University of Macau, offering an extra layer of protection.

GERMAGIC™ Thyme is the second product in the GERMAGIC™ series. It is a wide spectrum and has been tested against multiple bacteria, fungi, and viruses. GERMAGIC™ Thyme was found to be effective against Feline calicivirus (FCV), a surrogate for Norovirus. As FCV is a small, non-enveloped virus, it is amongst the most resistant to inactivation by disinfection. According to page 2-3 of the US EPA's “Guideline to Registrants: Process for Making Claims Against Emerging Viral Pathogens Not on EPA-Registered Disinfectant Labels”, being able to inactive FCV is equivalent to being able to inactive emerging coronaviruses, ie SARS-CoV-2. GERMAGIC™ Thyme has been verified by third parties to be safe and effective. It is also a Hong Kong Eco Mark and Made in Hong Kong Mark product. It combines antimicrobial encapsulation with germicidal thyme essential oil for a more long-lasting and durable effect. It offers long-term disinfection service to home, school, and business office, up to 90 days anti-bacteria protection.

Part of the proceeds for applying the GERMAGIC™ long-term disinfection service will be donated to the Fuhong Society of Macau for the development of employment and vocational training services for the disabled. In the future, Fuhong Society of Macau and Macau Gentlemen Limited will continue to cooperate and provide more job opportunities for disabled persons. We sincerely appreciated Macau Gentlemen Limited for its caringness and hope to have more opportunities for cooperation in the near future. If you are interested in the above services, feel free to contact Ms. Chok or Ms. Leung on 28220330 for further information. Let us support diversified services for people with disabilities, and create a friendly and inclusive society.